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International Conference “Roland Barthes' Time”

23 - 24 October 2015 in Vilnius (Lithuania) will take place international conference "Roland Barthes' Time" held by Laboratory for Visual and Cultural Studies in collaboration with . AJ Greimas Centre of Semiotics and Literary Theory. Conference is dedicated to the anniversary of Roland Barthes: 2015 marks the centenary of the birth of the great French philosopher.

What concepts developed by Roland Barthes today are seen as the most useful and heuristic for research work, in art practice or in teaching? How his ideas “echo” in the circles of artists, philosophers, writers or architects? How we perceive the gap between the structuralist and post-structuralist ideas in the light of our own intellectual history? To what extent Barthes' "negative semiology", aimed at the demystification of ideological discourses, is useful for reading contemporary culture? Finally, what "tools" of Barthes' analysis are demanded at other Time - in the era of digital "textuality" and in the context of new technologies? These and other issues will be discussed at a seminar in the reports of theoreticians from Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Poland and other countries.

With the support of French Cultural Institute in Vilnius in the conference will take part renowned French photographer, filmmaker and writer Alain Flasher (Director of the National Studio of Visual Arts in Fresnoy, Paris) and Dominique Paini (Paris) - film historian, filmmaker and curator, former director of the National Center of Cinematography in France and curator of the Centre Pompidou. As part of conference program presentations will also make Eric Landowski (Paris) - famous French semiotician and sociologist, visiting professor at Vilnius University, Michael Ryklin - philosopher and translator (Moscow (IFAN) / Berlin), Sergei Zenkin - Russian literary critic and translator (Russian State Humanitarian University, Moscow).

Organizing Committee:

Almira Ousmanova (Laboratory for Visual and Cultural Studies, EHU)

Jurgita Katkuvienė (AJ Greimas Centre of Semiotics and Literary Theory, VU)

Location: Philology Faculty of Vilnius University (Universiteto g., 3)

French Institute ( Didžioji g. 1)

International seminar in Vilnius is a continuation and development of the project of the European Humanities University "Roland Barthes - 100", which has started with the seminar “R / B: modern reading and reception of ideas of Roland Barthes in Eastern Europe” and the exhibition "Roland Barthes: Key Words" in Minsk in May-June 2015 with the support of the French Embassy in the Republic of Belarus.

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