Graduate Network
Tania Arcimovich
Tania Arcimovich is a scholar, curator, art critic. She was born in 1984. She graduated from Belarusian State Academy of Arts (Minsk, 2013), studied at the laboratory of Experimental Stage by Anatoly Praudin (St. Petersburg, 2007/2008). In 2014-2015 she got fellowship of AIR program CCA Ujazdowski Castle (Poland) and Akademie Solitude (Germany).
She is a founder of ziErnie performative art platform.
She is a member of East European Performing Arts Platform. Since 2016 she teachs a course of modern theatre at European Liberal Arts College in Minsk.
Research interests: Culture Studies and Anthropology, Performative Studies, Art and Politics.
Selected projects:
Belarus 4’33 a sun city of dream dot zero multimedia performance. TEART international theatre festival, Minsk, 2.10.2016. Author and director.
Ludmila Rusava exhibit project. Y Contemporary art gallery, Minsk 22.10.-8.11.2015, curator.
Minsk. Non-conformism of the 1980s exhibit project. Y Contemporary art gallery, Minsk 22.10.-8.11.2015, co-curator
OFFSIDE exhibit project. Y Contemporary art gallery, Minsk 1.05.-31.05.2014, curator.
Selected publications:
Artimovich T. Belarus in the Context of Post-Soviet Dramaturgy space: A Phenomenon of Paval Prażko / T. Artimovich // Post-Soviet Dramaturgy. Main accent after No censorship. Ed. Lasha Chkhartishvili and others. — Tbilisi: Ilia State University, Modern Georgian Theatre Research Center, 2012.
Артимович Т. От изоляции к публичности: «New art of Belarus» (Польша, 2000) и «Open The Doors: Belarusian Art Today» (Литва, 2010). // Радиус нуля. Онтология арт-нулевых. Минск 2000-2010 / Под ред. О.Жгировской, О.Шпараги, Р.Вашкевича. Минск: Логвинов, 2013.
Artimovich T. Independent theatre in Belarus. 1980–2013 (Независимый театр в Беларуси. 1980-2013). // Dictionary of Performance Art in Eastern Europe. Eastern European Platform Project Performance Art 2013.
Arcimovicz T. Warszawa: w poszukiwaniu Miasta Słońca (Варшава: в поисках Города Солнца). // Warszawa Podręcznik Zamieszkiwania: Red. Edwin Gardnera, Christiaan Fruneaux, Anna Ptak i Rani Al Rajji. CSW Zamek Ujazdowsk. Warszawa 2015.

Oxana Jguirovskia
I’m a co-head and a lecture of the concentration of ECLAB “Contemporary art and drama studies” at ECLAB (independent Liberal Arts College in Minsk).
Primary research interest: public art, autobiography art, social aspect in contemporary art.
2010- the curator of the project «Ontology of tragic love ». Artists: V.Pachitsky and motornina, Minsk
2010- the grand prix at Competition of young curators «On a way to a modern museum», Minsk
2011-the curator of the project «Aeternus et momentum». Artist A.Busel, Minsk
2011- co-curator of the Belarus part of the project «Beside», gallery PROUN, uniting subjects of material culture of the CIS countries, products of Russian avant guarde and creativity of contemporary artists, Paris
2011- the participant of groups’ exhibition «Beside», video performance «Makosh», Paris
2012- the curator of a photo of exhibition «Dressing gown». Artist V.Brusinsky, St.-Petersburg
2012- The curator of a photo of exhibition «Dressing gown». Artist V.Brusinsky, Minsk, Vilnus
2011-2013- One of curators and the project head «Radius of zero. Ontology of art-zero», Minsk
2013- One of editors of the book about modern Belarus art 2000-2013 «Radius of zero. Ontology of art-zero», Minsk
2013- the curator of exhibition «ART LIBERALES», Minsk
2013- the curator of exhibition «POST-POST», Minsk
2014-2015- manager and curator of the project ART-SIC-LAB, Minsk
2014-2016- independent contemporary gallery “Y” in Minsk, curator
2015-current time- co-curator and teacher of concentration of ECLAB “Contemporary art and drama studies”
2016 – the curator of exhibition ECLAB_Intaraction, Minsk
2016- the curator of exhibition “Photograma and Gumiarabicus”, Minsk
2016- co-curator of exhibition “Confession” . Artist : Candy Chang (USA), Minsk
2016- the curator of exhibition “Bio Ethics” . Atrist: Aljoscha (Belarus\Germany), Minsk
2017 - co-curator of exhibition "The fate of mental health patients in Belarus (1941-1944)” , Minsk
2017- curator of exhibition “#открытажить”, Minsk

Olga Klip
I started my work experience in art at National Art Museum in Minsk in 2009 and my first independent curatorial experience was in 2013 with an exhibition Portraits in Close Up by Gaspare Manos at Modern Art Museum in Minsk with the artist present. In 2015 I curated "Autumn Salon with Belgazprombank". In 2016-2017 I managed and curated the biggest private art gallery in the country DomKartin. One of the most successful exhibitions entitled I am Monet I am Shishkin I am Malevitch attracted more than 600 participating artists and showed the highest results in public and media reports. This project will be repeated on yearly bases. In spring 2017 I showed Rembrandt etchings at National Art Museum in Minsk and in Vitebsk. In September 2017 my partner and I opened an affordable art gallery GRAI cafe in Minsk where we exhibit local artists and sell their works.

Vitali Shchutski
Graduated in philosophy from the EHU in 2011, I have continued my studies in The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and The École normale supérieure in Paris, France. My MA thesis defended in 2015 analyses the rise of private galeries and the development of the art-market in Belarus after the fall of the soviet regime. From 2015 I am PhD student and lecturer in the Department of sociology in the University of Paris 8. Currently I am working on artistic carriers and visibility of eastern european contemporary artists on the global art scene.
Research interests: sociology of art and culture, contemporary art, eastern european art-scene, art-market, art history in Eastern Europe.
In 2013 in collaboration with Ilona Dergach, I have curated the exhibition « Minsk: (Re)construction » (TSECH, Minsk).
Texts and publications:
La politique culturelle du Bélarus, Regard sur l’Est, №67, juin 2014;
«Закрытые сообщества в Беларуси?», «Городские тактики», №2, July 2014;
«Звуколевитация»: расширяя границы визуального,, April 2016.

Katsiaryna Yancheuskaya
Katsiaryna Yancheuskaya is an art critic, visual culture researcher, philosopher. Katsiaryna received her Bachelor`s degree in Art Criticism (European Humanities University, Minsk) and Master’s degree in Sociology, specialization Visual and Cultural studies (EHU, Vilnius). She graduated from PhD program in Philosophy (EHU, Vilnius) and she is currently working on her dissertation, concerned phenomenology of illness and the problems of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Katsiaryna`s fields of interests include: Contemporary Belarusian Art, Philosophical Anthropology, Phenomenology of Health and Illness, Visual and Cultural Studies, Methodology of Distance Learning
Selected publications and texts for exhibitions and art projects:
2016: Out of the Game: Dolls and People, reflections on Alexander Varaksa`s exhibition “ How Fragile This World is…”, GA11ERY, Lida, Belarus,
2017: Igor Kidi`s exhibition “Non-trivial images”, GA11ERY, Lida, Belarus
2017: Alexander Varaksa`s project “USSR: [non] provincial gaze”, conception author, curator, GA11ERY, Lida, Belarus,,
2017: Larisa Drako`s exhibition “Mood”, conception author, curator, GA11ERY, Lida, Belarus,
2017 - to date: educational art project “Art History: from Classics to Avant-Garde”, author, lecturer, GA11ERY, Lida, Belarus,