This series of lectures cover a wide range of questions and problems that form a contemporary agenda of visual and cultural studies. The first unit of lectures gives a unique oppotunity to virtually attend the International conference "Roland Barthes' Time" held in Vilnius in November, 2015. The second block features the lectures of guest speakers that were invited to participate in HESP seminars on visual and cultural studies through 2004-2012 including such renowned theoretics as Laura Mulvey, Scott Lash, James Elkins, Lev Manovich, Janet Wolff and others. On the whole, these videolectures provide a unique opportunity to learn about key concepts of visual studies from the best - here and now.

International conference
"Roland Barthes' Time"
Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015
Roland Barthes et la Photographie. La Révélation des Images.
Alain Fleischer, Vilnius, 2015 (fr/lt)
Reading Film as Text: the Methodology of Textual Analysis in Film Theory
Almira Ousmanova (European Humanities University, LT). Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (eng)
Les Contrariétés Cinématographiques de Roland Barthes
Dominique Païni, Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (fr/lt)
With Barthes and Greimas, from Coded Signs to Open Meaning
Eric Landowski, Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (eng)
«Certified Copy»,Or the Death of the Author in Contemporary Cinema
Helena Koutchoura, Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (fr)
Historical Trauma, Distance, Affect: Contemporary Russian Photography and Roland Barthes
Viktoria Musvik. Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (eng)
The Image and the Imaginary
Sergei Zenkin. Public lecture. Vilnius, 2015 (eng)
Roland Barthes

HESP Series
Vilnius, Lithuania. 2004-2012
Virtual Studio as a Classroom
Interactive lecture of A.Gornykh and the MA students, recorded in Virtual TV studio at EHU MediaHub. Vilnius, 2012
Capitalist Power and the Social Imaginary
Scott Lash (Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK). Public lecture. Vilnius, 2010
Studying the Visual World
James Elkins (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA. Workshop, Vilnius, 2010
Cultural Analytics
Lev Manovich (Visual Arts Department, University of California, USA). Master-class. Vilnius, 2010
Visualization as The New Language of Theory
Lev Manovich (Visual Arts Department, University of California, USA). Public lecture. Vilnius, 2010
Critical Urbanism: Cultural Theory as Practice
Scott Lash. Seminar. Vilnius, 2010
Problems in the Communication of Art and Science
James Elkins. Seminar. Vilnius, 2010
The Question of a Sociological Poetics: Metaphors, Models and Theory
Janet Wolff (University of Manchester, UK). Public lecture. Vilnius, 2010
The Theoretical Basis of Film Studies
Laura Mulvey (Birbeck College, UK). Workshop. Vilnius, 2006
Conceptual Transaction from Visual and Other Pleasures to Death 24x A Seconds
Laura Mulvey (Birbeck College, UK). Workshop. Vilnius, 2006
Seeing the Past from the Present: Re-thinking Feminist Avant-garde Theory and Practice in the 1970s.’
Laura Mulvey (Birbeck College, UK). Lecture. Vilnius, 2006
Constructing Cultural Identity
Thomas Elsaesser (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands). Seminar. Vilnius, 2005
The Subjects of Visual Studies
Keith Moxey (Columbia University), Mark Poster (Berkely University), Stephen Melville (Ohio State University), HESP participants. Round-table discussion. Vilnius, 2004
HESP Series