Le Temps de Roland Barthes ‒ Roland Barthes’ Time
October 22 - 24, 2015
International Conference organized by French Institute in Lithuania, Laboratory of Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art, European Humanities University, A. J. Greimas Centre of Semiotics and Literary Theory, and Vilnius University.
October 22, Thursday
17.00 Keynote lecture
Alain Fleischer (Studio National des Arts Contemporains Le Fresnoy, France)
Roland Barthes et la photographie. La révélation des images (in French, with translation into Lithuanian)
18.30 Presentation of art projects from the exhibition “Roland Barthes: Keywords” (Minsk)
by the students of BA program “Visual Culture and Creative Industries” (Dept. of Media, European Humanities University)
19.30 – Reception
October 23, Friday
Venue: Universiteto g., 3, Faculty of Philology, aula K. Donelaičio
10.00 – 10.15 – Opening and introductions (Almira Ousmanova, Regina Rudaitytė)
10.15 – 11.30 – Panel 1 : The Semiotic Challenge
Chair : Sergei Zenkin
Eric Landowski (Paris, France) With Barthes and Greimas, from coded signs to open meaning
Jurgita Katkuvienė (Vilnius, Lithuania) Beyond the Meaning: the Last Work of Roland Barthes
11.30 – 11.45 – Coffee break
11.45 – 13.30 – Panel 2: Roland Barthes in Between the Image and the Text
Chair: Almira Ousmanova
Sergei Zenkin (Moscow, Russia) The Image and the Imaginary
Gintautas Mažeikis (Kaunas, Lithuania) Desire of Imperial Myth: Critics of propaganda by R. Barthes
13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch break
14.30 – 16.30 ‒ Panel 3: The Pleasure of/in the Text
Chair: Andrei Gornykh
Viktoria Konstantiuk (Vilnius, Lithuania) Letter of Pleasure
Denis Petrina (Kaunas, Lithuania) B(arthes)/L(acan): (t/s)extuality: on jouissance
Veronika Furs (Vilnius, Lithuania) Roland Barthes: en quête du Neutre
Elena Tolstik (Vilnius, Lithuania) Barthes' three texts on de Sade: "sensual pleasure in classification" of writing and theatralization in the Rococo
17.00 – Keynote lecture
Dominique Païni (Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou, Paris, France)
Les contrariétés cinématographiques de Roland Barthes
(in French, with translation to Lithuanian)
October 24, Saturday
10.00 – 11.30 ‒ Panel 4: Barthes and the Political Unconscious of Our Times
Chair: Jurgita Katkuvienė
Andrei Gornykh (Vilnius, Lithuania) Roland Barthes: Two Times
Benjamin Cope (Warsaw, Poland) "The Place of Thought: Mikhail Ryklin's Time of Diagnosis as a reworking of Barthes' Mythologies"
Uladzislau Ivanou (Vilnius, Lithuania) Roland Barthes, un penseur oublié du politique (in French)
11.30 – 11.45 – Coffee break
11.45 – 13.30 ‒ Panel 5: The Resisting Image: Roland Barthes and Photography
Chair: Benjamin Cope
Mikhail Ryklin (Berlin, Germany) Roland Barthes: Romance with Photography
Viktoria Musvik (Moscow, Russia) Historical trauma, distance, affect: contemporary Russian photography and Roland Barthes
13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch break
14.30 – 16.00 ‒ Panel 6: Roland Barthes in interdisciplinary contexts
Chair: Galina Orlova
Olga Boitsova (St.-Petersburg, Russia) “The System of Fashion” beyond fashion: Semiotics of color in Soviet advice books on children’s clothing
Julia Martinavičiene (Vilnius, Lithuania) The Old and New Rhetoric of Roland Barthes
16.00 – 16.15 ‒ Coffee break
16.15– 18.00 ‒ Panel 7: The Third Meaning: Roland Barthes and Cinema
Chair: Viktoria Musvik
Almira Ousmanova (Vilnius, Lithuania) Reading Film as Text: the Methodology of Textual Analysis in Film Theory
Helena Koutchoura (Minsk, Belarus) «Certified Copy»,Or the Death of the Author in Contemporary Cinema (in French)