Visual concepts is a new way of exploring complex theoretical notions through audiovisual narrative. Such form allows for presenting and explaining often complicated theories and ideas in a simple and graphically communicative way, that makes this new mode of knowledge production a valuable and at the same time unique experience.
Experimental Ethnography
This video is an attempt to explore the principles of visual anthropology on the case of early Jean Rouch films. Jean Rouch was an outstanding figure in French experimental and documentary cinematography of the 1960’s, who played an essential role in “cinéma vérité” direction formation. Instead of turning to his classical “Chronicle of a Summer” (1961), it seemed interesting to see the specific features of his early movies he filmed as an ethnographer. Considering the existing discourse of visual anthropology and ethnographic film differences, it was important to see what the aesthetics Rouch started with was like, and which factors and preferences in the end led him to “cinema-verite”.
Attraction Concept
"Attraction" is one of the 5 episodes video cycle considering main psychoanalytical concepts being visualized. This concept explores the questions of human nature, closely tied to the ideas of loss, the Lost Object and trauma. How does attraction affect different dimensions of being? What forms does it take? And what is the meaning of the Word, the act of Repetition in constructing Attraction, (attraction to death) in the end? All of the mentioned is explored in and represented visually.
The Birth of an Object under the
Concept of J. Lacan
This short animated film is exploring the concept of an Object by Jacque Lacan. Objet petit a, being one of the most complex and at the same time most paramount conceptual elaborations in Lacanian psychoanalysis, incorporates other important psychoanalytical concepts such as (a)utre (Other), lack, Mother, and others.